[FEMUN 2018]: UN General Assembly Fifth Committee
The United Nations General Assembly Fifth Committee (also known as Administrative and Budgetary Committee) is the primary forum for the consideration of administrative and budgetary matters in the General Assembly (GA).
The spheres of Committee`s work mainly cover the consideration and approval of programme budget of the United Nations (UN), peacekeeping expenses, human resources issues, management reform as well as governance and oversight issues. The Fifth Committee of the General Assembly considers and approves the budget of the Organization in accordance with Chapter IV, Article 17 of the UN Charter. At the same time, the Assembly affirms financial and budgetary arrangements with specialized agencies and makes recommendations to the agencies concerned.
The Committee foregathers annually on the main session of the UN General Assembly (September to December). Due to the increased workload of the Fifth Committee during the past years, it regularly conducts a resumed session in March to discuss additional agenda items, not covered during the main session, and in May to deal with administrative and budgetary aspects of UN Peacekeeping. The Fifth Committee may also consider urgent matters relating to the financing humanitarian assistance missions authorized by the Security Council at any of its sessions.
The Fifth Committee plays a key role in financing peacekeeping operations, although it does not directly take political decisions on the establishment or completion of UN assistance. The costs of UN humanitarian help are funded by all Member States. The General Assembly relates the expenses to the rate of assessment for peacekeeping matters, taking into account the economic situation of Member States, while the permanent members of the Security Council are charged with the greater part of the costs because of their special responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. The General Assembly through its Fifth Committee approves and monitors the budget for peacekeeping operations. The Committee considers financing and equipping specific field operations on the basis of detailed reports submitted by the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
The agenda item of the Fifth Committee in frames of FEMUN 2018 is «Improving Mechanisms for Accountability and Transparency within the UN System». Over time, the UN has developed a robust accountability system which rests on internal controls and oversight mechanisms, and tools to promote transparency and integrity. In recent years a special focus has been given to ensuring the integrity of procurement processes. While much has been done, accountability is by its very nature a work in progress, as expectations and demands on the system continue to evolve.
The work of the Committee depends on your actions, hence,
We wish you a productive research and fruitful debates!
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