[FEMUN2018]: UN General Assembly Second Committee

The United Nations (UN) is an essential mechanism of the international legal foundation in the world. In frames of the UN, there were concluded a huge number of international treaties that regulate the state of affairs in the most diverse spheres of human life, especially in the aspect of economics.

Considering the importance of economic processes in the context of international relations, the activity of the UN General Assembly Second Committee plays a significant role in the decision-making process in the international arena.

This Committee will be simulated in frames of FEMUN 2018.

The United Nations General Assembly (GA) is one of the six principal organs of the UN which accounts 193 Member States. The GA itself also consists of 6 main committees including Second Committee which is also named “Economic and Financial Committee” (ECOFIN) since it is responsible for resolving problems in the area of global finances and economics.

The committee is related to the issues of economic growth and development such as macroeconomic policy questions, financing for development, human settlements, globalization and interdependence, eradication of poverty, etc.
Under the mandate of the UN General Assembly, ECOFIN is responsible for:
consideration and making recommendations on the general principles of cooperation for maintaining international peace and security;
initiating studies and making recommendations to promote international political cooperation, international collaboration in the economic and financial field.

During the Far Eastern Model UN 2018 delegates to the Second Committee will discuss the following agenda item: “Promotion of International Cooperation to Combat Illicit Financial Flows in order to Foster Sustainable Development”.

Illegal financial flows have spread over among international community. Tax evasion, increasing corruption, illegal arms trafficking, human trafficking and money-laundering complicate and destroy political, economic and social stability. The whole global community should make significant efforts for fostering universal and unshakable economic situation and promoting international collaboration in this sphere.

If you are interested in the aspects of economic activity and learn more about the measures of preventing illegal financial flows,
Join FEMUN 2018 and apply for this Committee!

More detailed information can be found at the website: http://www.munrfe.ru/femun-committees-agenda

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