#RESEARCH_101: Useful Links & Sources

Generally, most of your preparation for the Conference takes research. The high quality of the latter is extremely important to make your performance at a decent level. However, the question arises: where to find the information needed to prepare for the Conference well?

In this regard, we have made for you a list of general sources of information which you can use during the preparation process:

1.UN website
It is useful in case you need full information about committees, agenda items, documents, resolutions and the latest about the UN and its actions.

2. UN Web TV
There you can find live and recorded broadcasts of gavel-to-gavel meetings of various UN agencies and arms. It could be useful if you want to understand the official policies of states clearly.

3. UN Official Document System Search

Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly, UN Treaty collection, information regarding UN Conferences, Meetings and Events and much more data about UN documents you may find there.

4. UN Bibliographic Information System
This is a huge library of all documented actions in the UN – everything from Voting Records to Index to Speeches you may find here.

5. UN Research Guides and Resources
It is one more library of the UN which is focused on books, articles and guides of a different kind. The search is divided by subject which helps you to find lots of documents related to an issue.

6. World Bank
On this website, you are able to find information connected with the economy of the represented country.

7. CIA World Factbook
The World Factbook provides all possible general information (history, people, government, economy, military, etc.) about a state.

8. Model UN Research guide
This site will help you to structure your preparation for FEMUN 2018 highlighting the main issues which can arise and ways to solve them.

9. MUNRFE official website
On our website, you can find the reports of the FEMUN Secretary-General summarizing the main information regarding the agenda items which will be discussed during the Conference.

We hope our pieces of advice will be helpful for you,
Prepare well and spend your time properly!

MUNRFE website: munrfe.ru/femun
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