#FEMUN_WINNERS: Andre Pawira

The Registration for the Far Eastern Model UN 2018 will be closed in a couple of days, hence, if you are still thinking about the participation in the Conference – hurry up to register!

Nevertheless, in order to convince you that FEMUN 2018 worth your time we would like to share with you one more story by the Conference winner of the previous year!

Please, welcome, Mr. Andre Pawira.

1. What did you expect from FEMUN 2017?

«I expected a real-life diplomatic conference, with suits and manner. Moreover, the UN4MUN format was one more reason to wait for the Conference harder because this format is based on the real UN system. Thus, FEMUN promised to be not just debates and want-to-be leader stuff but the challenge of how to cooperate with other people and achieve consensus.»

2. How was it in reality?

«I think the Conference can be explained by 3 words: treason, diplomacy and amazing

3. How many sleepless nights did you have during preparation for the Conference?

«Oh, I suppose it could be shocking but I didn’t have any. My adviser always told us better to sleep than working late. So, none!»

4. SC or GA? Why?

«Hmm, so hard... Hahaha, I'm joking! Security Council, of course! Because it's better to debate with 14 people than 30, right?»

5. What can you say to the participants of FEMUN 2018?

«Remember one important thing: you are not «just guys» who is arguing with other «just guys» - you are representatives of whole countries in the largest international organization in the world, so, act like the ones! And, of course, do not forget to enjoy the debates!»

#FEMUN_WINNERS: Andre Pawira, image №1

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