General Assembly
The General Assembly (GA) is the main deliberative, policymaking and representative organ of the UN that unites all 193 Member States. Within the scope of its mandate is to make recommendations concerning any issue covered by the UN Charter except for those that are being discussed by the Security Council.
The GA is also assigned to initiate studies, promote international cooperation in the economic, social, cultural, educational spheres, the realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms. The decisions of the GA are not binding for the Member States.

Due to the big number of agenda items to consider, the GA is divided on 6 main committees that focus on their specific topics and make decisions upon them. Each of these committees consists of all Member States.
The GA has six Main Committees which consider issues on different topics:
the First Committee - Disarmament and International Security;
the Second Committee - Economic and Financial;
the Third Committee - Social, Humanitarian and Cultural;
the Fourth Committee - Special Political and Decolonization;
the Fifth Committee - Administrative and Budgetary;
the Sixth Committee - Legal.

During our conference, you have a chance to represent one Member State in the First, the Second and the Third GA Committees.
If you still doubt whether GA is for you or not, go to the committee’s page at the MUNRFE website, read the exact description and choose the one you prefer.

Daria Zlydar
8 (962) 675-12-71,
Polina Dolgopolova
USG for Conference Management
8 (987) 856-35-25,