Q: What was your motivation to participate in the FEMUN?

A: Firstly, I thought that it is an interesting event, where students speak English and discuss political problems, so why not to try it myself. “It’s going to be fun!” That was my initial motivation but then I realized that it is a perfect chance to develop my soft-skills as well as to meet new and amazing people.


Q: Why FEMUN is so special?

A: Bright people, the practice of English, opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills as well as to raise self-confidence on one side and a chance to take the role of a real diplomat and to debate for the position of your country on the other. All this makes this project special.


Q: Can you remember the brightest moment from the Conference?

A: The moment I remember very well is my first speech. OMG, I was sitting and shaking because I knew that I was going to deliver my speech in front of the whole committee and all delegates will be watching me. This combination of joy, fear and enthusiasm is impossible to express.

Q: Emotions about the first speech?

A: It is scary when you wait, and there is a burning feeling inside you but when you start talking it is not scary at all. On the contrary, you are satisfied when it's all over and feel a strong desire to do it again!

Q: What was the feeling when the last session was over?

A: After all the stressful work you feel satisfied and happy that you’ve finished but then you feel sad because the conference is truly over and you have to wait a year until the next FEMUN.


Q: Why UN4MUN?

A: You cooperate with other delegates and write the outcome document of your Committee— Resolution. The thing I like is that your opinion matters and will be heard.


Q: Advice for future participants?

A: Don’t be afraid, be confident and, most importantly, enjoy the process.

Q: Emoji, which describes your FEMUN experience?

A: 🤠That emoji because the conference is like a new adventure.

Daria Zlydar
8 (962) 675-12-71, un4mun@munrfe.ru
Polina Dolgopolova
USG for Conference Management
8 (987) 856-35-25, logistics@munrfe.ru
Website: http://www.munrfe.ru/femun
Instagram: www.instagram.com/femun_2020
Facebook: www.facebook.com/munrfe
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